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Relics Of Vaarn

The azure sands of Vaarn stretch as far as a mind can dream. Buried beneath them, in ancient tombs and arcologies, lie relics from the time of the Autarchy and the reign of the Titans. What strange apparatus can be found within these forgotten vaults? Will they bring you wealth, or kill you in the process of discovery?

Within this pamphlet are three bizarre items. Each has incredible powers, but at a price. Each item includes the following: A description for the players in italics, a description of the item’s powers for the referee, and a flowchart detailing the experimentation process. Each item is unknown to the players, so they are nearly guaranteed to fail at using it. This failure can result in strange side effects, and possible damage.

Though these items are designed for Vaults Of Vaarn, they  could easily be used in any OSR game with some minor changes.


This is an unofficial addition to Vaults Of Vaarn
Vaults Of Vaarn is published by Leo Hunt using a Creative Commons 4.0 License, and this pamphlet is published under the same license. You can buy Vaults Of Vaarn on itch.io at:

Learn more about Vaults Of Vaarn at:

The art and text in this pamphlet is by Jacob Marks


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

RelicsOfVaarn_USLetter.pdf 6 MB
RelicsOfVaarn_USLetter_lowink.pdf 4 MB
RelicsOfVaarn_USLetter_noart.pdf 381 kB
RelicsOfVaarn_A4.pdf 6.1 MB
RelicsOfVaarn_A4_lowink.pdf 3.1 MB
RelicsOfVaarn_A4_noart.pdf 384 kB
RelicsOfVaarn_Alt_Character_Sheet_fixed.pdf 49 kB
VaultsOfVaarnCrystal_wallpaper.png 3.6 MB
TVHeadVaarn_wallpaper.png 2.8 MB


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I freaking love Vaarn and this Pamphlet is reaaaaaaaallyyy cool and thematic. Congrats !


Aw thanks! I'm hoping to make some more Vaults of Vaarn content at some point :)