
I'm making progress on editing and finishing the art for this!
Last week I playtested for the first time and found a couple of issues. The game was quite a lot of fun though! So far I think this has the best dungeon I've made. My players got scared by the bog body bear, re-entered the mansion from the North side, explored a few rooms, and eventually ran away after encountering the bark scroll beast, which I consider to be a success!

So here are some notes on issues I am fixing:

  • A major issue. How the hell are you supposed to see all these landmarks through a forest of the largest trees in the world? A massive mistake I hadn't considered. Luckily there are a few solutions. First I am adding a tall watch tower in Granklin. Second it would make sense for quite a lot of the forest to be cleared. I am adding some text explaining that the settled areas are partially cleared and full of new growth, and on the map I have changed many of the trees to stumps.
  • The Light Room in the mansion was too confusing. Hard to describe. I am replacing it with remnants of pitcher pumpkins like the ones found in room 20.
  • I realized the mbira the Litticook Lilters ask you to recover wasn't actually placed in the mansion.
  • Not enough content in Belchester and Granklin. I had placeholder boxes for art, but was also having trouble getting inspired for the art. Instead I am adding tables for odd places in Belchester, and rumors heard in Granklin.

That's all for now! Hopefully I can get this done within the next week because I'd like to get it printed for a comic con in August. I would also like to get print copies in some online stores, but I still need to talk to stores.

Edit: One more thing. The community copies have gone faster than I expected. I will probably restock them eventually, but I might wait a few months.

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